Sewage Cleanup (Blackwater)

removing soil contaminated by sewage

Has your Southern California property been contaminated by a sewage spill or overflow from a drain pipe, manhole, or cleanout? If so, Alternative Technologies Inc. has the experience to properly cleanup the blackwater both indoors and outdoors. We will remediate and treat the intrusions as fast as possible so the biohazard doesn’t return.

Wastewater contamination: blackwater or greywater

We all have either had this problem or know someone that has had the unfortunate luck of a sewer or drain line failing.  The resulting wastewater contamination is referred as blackwater for sewage or greywater for non-sewage. 

  • Blackwater (sewage)
    • Toilets
    • Urinals
  • Greywater (non-sewage)
    • Sinks
    • Baths
    • Washing Machines

Both can be a double problem.  The water and bacteria present can cause very high bacteria and contamination levels. To treat these problems often requires demolition, soil removal, or mold remediation of any materials affected by water intrusion.

Alternative Technologies Inc. has decades of experience with wastewater remediation and knows how to address the contamination issue as well as the odor that accompanies these problems.

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How we approach every sewage cleanup project

Greater Los Angeles was built during the time with galvanized pipe and cast iron drains were the standard.  Now decades later these products are frequently failing.  The high cost of replacing plumbing pipes has resulted in many homes and buildings putting it off.  The results are very unpleasant.

Fortunately there are professional cleanup companies like Alternative Technologies Inc. in Southern California that have the specialized training and experience to address the issues and problems associated with wastewater intrusion.

First, we contain the area of contamination so the problem doesn’t spread.

Second, we will install charcoal filtered negative air machines that not only filter the contaminants from the air but also remove the odor emanating from the problem. Negative air also prevents bacteria from migrating to the other areas of the home or building.

Once under proper containment and negative air pressure, we will use the proper methods and products to remove the contaminated wastewater and treat the area so that the problem won’t return.

We also has the ability to remove and/or treat the soil contaminated by blackwater or greywater intrusion.  Soil that is too heavily contaminated with human waste or other contaminants is removed, bagged and sealed to remove it from the home or building. Properly bagging and sealing the waste prevents cross contamination into other areas of the home or building.

Contact our sewage cleanup pros for more information or to start the process of getting your property back to being inhabitable

Please contact us by phone or online with your cleanup questions.


Monday – Friday
8AM – 5:00PM


Valley Cities
(818) 700-8002

Los Angeles
(310) 473-2509


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